About the company, and owner

Combining form and function 

At age 13 or 14, I started mowing my parent’s yard for cash. I loved spending my summer mornings working outside, and not long after, the neighbors began asking for help. 

One of my favorite things about mowing the grass, trimming hedges, or weeding the flower bed is the end result. Well shaped, clean cut, and appealing green spaces are beautiful and relaxing to the mind. 

My life has been fulfilling, with a lot of opportunity to travel the world and try new things. I’ve always admired the green space surrounding a person’s home or workplace, whether as a young enlisted man flying around the globe or an OTR truck driver crossing through every one of the lower-48. This is a truth I’ve found to be universal wherever I’ve lived – in Germany, South Carolina, Wyoming, or even Kyrgyzstan.

In starting a landscaping business, my core values reflect personal commitments to providing quality service, communicating well, ensuring environmental stewardship, and providing value to both of us. 

If you need a dedicated landscaper who can provide great quality service in a timely manner, I’d love the opportunity to make your property look great. And don’t just take my word for it – check out my  5-star reviews on Google! 

Drop me a note describing your project needs by using the contact page, or give me a call today at (307)752-2802.

Above: James, standing beside a 45,000 pound load of flat steel – transported from Arkansas to Missouri as an OTR trucker.

Below: Amn Grueser (E1) on watchtower duty at Camp Bucca, Iraq.  Circa 2007. 

Karner Blue Core Values

“Integrity First,
Service Before Self,
and Excellence In All We Do.”

-The US Air Force Core Values
Quality Service

Giving the green space around your home or business an exceptional looking yard to the best of my ability, and doing so in a transparent and timely manner. 

Communicating Well

Understand what the client is asking for, and ensure estimates reflect a clear timeframe and cost for each project.  

Environmental Stewardship

Prioritizing the good care of healthy native and regionally hardy plants. Using herbicides to the least extent possible.  Minimizing waste and maximizing positive environmental relationships. 

Providing Value

The business exists to provide mutually beneficial value to itself and customer. Where the company can grow and maintain commitment to quality, and the customer gain personal and equitable value in their green space.

What Are We Up To?

Some of our projects and thoughts

Karner Blue Landscaping is honored to offer a 10% discount on all services to verified US Military, Veterans, and First Responders including Law Enforcement, Fire […]
At Karner Blue Landscaping, we’re always seeking to improve the service and capabilities we provide to our clients. Which is why the company recently purchased […]
An unhealthy back yard fire pit gets a major remodel – rehabilitating the soil and removing invasive weeds. When the owner of this property first […]