“A weed is a plant out of places….classed as weeds because they are unsightly, poisonous, mechanically injurious, competitive to the growth of a crop, or detrimental to the harvesting of a crop.” – How to KnowThe Weeds, by R.E. Wilkinsoon and H.E. Jaques.

So how do we control for weeds, safely and effectively? First by knowing their germination cycle, which requires ‘moisture and favorable temperature. Some seeds decay quickly if not permitted to grow. Others may require dormancy before germination at all.

Identifying them is key to knowing how to address a weed’s dominance over the appropriate native and climate-hardy plants. At Karner Blue Landscaping, we seek out ornamental grasses which are indigenous to the area; such as Bluestem, Indiangrass, and Dropseed, as well as grasses which are climate and shade-level appropriate like Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue, and Perennial Rye.

We’ve chosen to work closely with the New Hampshire Extension Office in order to have the best education and insight to our landscape planning and work. If you want your yard to look the best, be resilient to the effects of a harsh climate, and have minimal impact on the environment, we’d love to make a plan with you. Reach out today and let’s see what we can grow together!


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